
A Debreceni Egyetem hallgatói és kutatói közül került ki hazánk legtöbb Fulbright ösztöndíjasa – hangzott el a világ legrangosabb ösztöndíjprogramjának idei pályázatait bemutató tájékoztatón a Debreceni Egyetem Nemzetközi Irodájában. A Fulbright révén évente 25 hazai hallgató, kutató, illetve oktató számára nyílik lehetőség tudományos kutatói munkára, szakmai tapasztalatszerzésre az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria and novel therapeutic options were discussed at the recent international online conference on Infectious Diseases in a One Health context. Organized by the One Health Institute of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, the Institute of Metagenomics of the University of Debrecen, the Veterinary Medical Research Institute and the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Research Network, the objective of the event was to promote discussion and knowledge exchange.

Sports Diagnostics, Lifestyle and Therapy Center of the University of Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem Sportdiagnosztikai, Életmód és Terápiás Központja – SET) has received a major recognition after the recent opening of the physiotherapy and physiotherapeutic complex of the BMW Group Factory in Debrecen’s health center. The facility will support the rehabilitation of employees.

A new type of fluorine-containing compounds chemically related to antitumour and antiviral agents, produced at the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Pharmacy, could play a role in the treatment of many serious diseases in the future. The scientific article on this topic was selected as one of the flagship publications of January by the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

A unique master program offered by the Faculty of Health, University of Debrecen in Hungary. Special training which provides interdisciplinary and integrated knowledge for students, for whom the gates to institutions of disabled people, elderly people, rehabilitation and other areas of the whole health care system will open.  Health Social Work MSc